Time is a funny thing.

Some things improve with time: works of art, wine, friendships, skills. Some things get arguably worse. In particular, the things we choose to put off or avoid do not improve with time; in fact, time often makes the thing we are trying to avoid a whole lot bigger.

I am just as guilty of this behavior as the next person. If there is something I don’t particularly want to do, I inevitably delay getting it done. Even though I know that putting it off will only make it worse, I still let the time go by.

We’ve all done it. It can be any number of things that we don’t want to do, such as ending a relationship, turning in a resignation, finishing a project, telling someone how we feel, apologizing, or responding to an email.

There is really only one way to combat this tendency to delay the inevitable, and that is to face it head-on. Shine some light on whatever it is you're putting off and try to figure out what is causing your aversion. Are you afraid of something: inadequacy, failure, confrontation, or exposure?

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Image source: http://www.deviantart.com

Image source: http://www.deviantart.com

If you're able to identify the reasons why you're doing it, then spend a little buy sildenafil usa time projecting yourself into the future. What if you went ahead and did the thing? Would it really be that scary? Visualize yourself doing it. Think about what you'll say, how you'll act. Imagine what it will feel like afterwards, once the thing is done. The more time you spend putting yourself in that place, the more familiar it will be, and the less scary.

If you aren't able to identify any specific reasons for putting it off, other than simple laziness or disinterest, and it's still something you must do, then go ahead and borrow Nike's slogan and "Just do it". Even Scott Jurek, the famous ultra runner, understood this when he said, "Sometimes you just do things." And of course, Luis has his own mantra for tackling difficult tasks: "If you're afraid to do something, do it anyway."

One thing is for sure. The more time you spend putting it off, the bigger the task will grow. The time you allow to accumulate will feed the fear with doubt, guilt, and anxiety. The longer you wait, the more excuses you'll come up with for why you shouldn't do it at all. The reward for getting it done is almost always worth the effort of doing it.

