getting_strongerI’ve known what it feels like to hit the wall, to push right up against the limits of my strength, and somehow find the will to keep going. I believe that in order to find the strength to face our fears and achieve our goals, we must always be working on what makes us stronger, mentally, physically, and spiritually. This will give us invaluable experience, and will equip us with the tools we need to become what we want to be. Runners run, writers write, singers sing; you must work on what you are trying to become.

Continually developing your mind, body, and spirit is the way to gain the experience you need to become stronger.

a) Strengthen your mind—read: It’s really amazing how much inspiration and strength you can gain from reading, and the insights you will apply to your life and your work. Reading books that are relevant to your work will allow you to acquire knowledge that will help you create your story and build your brand. In addition, the knowledge you gain from books can be recycled again and again in conversations you have with others. The book Love Is the Ultimate App, by Tim Sanders, will show you how to read, retain, and share the knowledge you acquire from books.

b) Strengthen your body—exercise: This one goes without saying, and it’s the second leg of the three-legged stool of developing strength. You must take care of your body. We’re all busy, and we’re all familiar with the excuses for not exercising, like “I don’t have the time,” and “I’m not strong enough,” and “I can’t.” But they’re just excuses. If you want to get stronger, you need to exercise. Even better, exercise changes your physiology. It reverses stress, lifts depression, and builds self-esteem. Along with keeping your body fit, it keeps your brain fit.

c) Exercise your spirit: Many overlook this third leg of the stool, but it is just as important as the other two. Our mind and spirit sit in the driver seat of our lives, and the more we exercise them, the stronger we will become. Let go of the need to be right all the time; let go of your ego; don’t let pride get in the way; practice gratitude; find out what you are thankful for today and give thanks; be kind and compassionate. These are all examples of ways you can strengthen your spirit.

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Exercising your mind, body, and spirit will prepare you for anything that comes your way, even a 100-mile foot race, should you choose to tackle one. You’re already stronger than you think, and if you work on these three areas of your life, you will become even stronger. Nothing will stand in your way; so get started.

Skillfully edited by Tara May

