“I encounter every lesson in life on purpose.”

Those words resonated with me when I first heard them in July at the World Domination Summit in Portland, Oregon. The speaker was Jadah Sellner of Simple Green Smoothies, and she had a story to tell about doing what you love, even if it means making mistakes and starting over.

Jadah is what you’d call an entrepreneur in every sense: she’s creative; she’s smart; she understands the importance of community; she’s struggled to make a living doing what she loves; and she’s failed more than once.

Jadah always believed in doing what she was passionate about, but she didn’t always know how. Her way of finding out was to keep trying. Jadah started three businesses in the last three years, and not all of them were successful. In fact, at one point, she and her family were deeply in debt with no clear way of climbing out.

So what did she do? She drew up a vision board that included a lofty goal: to establish a business that would earn her $30k a month. The purpose was to say her dream out loud—the only way she knew how to make it real. And she did make it real; she reached her goal with Simple Green Smoothies, and she is more successful today than ever before.

Jadah says there is a difference between dreaming and doing, between thinking and taking action. Dreamers need strategythe-only-way-to-move-through-fear-jaddah-sellner-quote and focus, while doers need vision. If we want to realize our dreams, we have to unite the dreamer and the doer within ourselves. Based on her own experience, Jadah offers a three-part formula for realizing your dreams:

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  1. Say your dreams out loud: Be bold in the dreams you dream for your life.
  2. Take imperfect action: It’s the only way to move through fear. We all have to start at zero
  3. Let go: Let the dream develop without the need to control it.

After listening to Jadah talk, I understood why her opening message resonated so strongly with me; it’s the same message we are trying to convey with BTF. No matter how hard things get, you can realize your dreams. You are strong enough to make the necessary changes, and you don’t have to do it alone. Mistakes are lessons to be learned from, and we can choose to encounter them with purpose.

Jadah’s talk was beautiful and inspiring, and there is so much more to it than I have shared here. The video is not yet available, but as soon as I can get my hands on it, I’ll post it here for you to watch. You won’t regret it. For now, you can learn a little more about Jadah and her delicious green smoothies.

