When we are struggling with change or fear, nothing is more important than having a friend to rely on, to inspire us and help us navigate the turbulent waters we may find ourselves in.

love-is-the-killer-appThe popular speaker and author, Tim Sanders, introduces this idea of not doing it alone in his book, Love is the Killer App. He calls it living the “lovecat” way, and explains the benefits of applying it in your personal and professional life:

  • You become a rich source of information to all around you.
  • You are seen as a person with valuable insight.
  • You are perceived as generous to a fault, producing surprise and delight.
  • You double your business intelligence in one year.
  • You triple your network of personal relationships in two years.
  • You quadruple the number of colleagues in your life who love you like family.
  • In short, you become one of those amazing, outstanding people to whom everyone turns, who leads rather than follows, who never runs out of ideas, contacts, or friendship. Here’s the real scoop: Nice guys don't finish last; they rule!

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I’m a member of a network group called Coach-OnTheGo, where we’re working to teach people how to be lovecats. Our mission is simple: we exist to help people accomplish their goals through making connections.This group is great because it not only help people to reach their goals, but the real mission is to bring about a personal transformation, a transformation that will allow people to become lovecats through not being afraid to share their network, share their knowledge, and be compassionate. We do this by following four principles:

a)    Assume positive intent - My friend, Jerry, from the group uses this analogy: If you are in a soccer match and your teammate sends you a bad pass, you have to assume that his intention wasn’t bad at all; he intended it to be a good pass. By assuming positive intent in this way, we are taking a good approach to living, and most importantly, we are in a plentiful state of mind.

b)   Envision a plan - Coming to our group will not only allow you to make connections, but it will also help you envision a plan for what you want to accomplish over the next few months. Whether your plan is to find a new job or grow your business, knowing buy tramadol visa where you want to go will put things in perspective and will give you clarity. I envision my plan by asking myself, “What do I want to be when I grow up? It doesn’t matter that I’m already grown up; I’m still growing every day. This is a great thought to have in order to find a goal that is realistic and achievable. Coach-onthego helps us to find clarity and build a laser focus attitude toward our plan.

c)    Write a Go To Market Plan - Having a vision is one thing, but having a plan complements the vision. How are you going to achieve what you want to become? How are you going to find your dream job, get the clients you want, or do whatever your plan is? You have to measure your progress, and having measurable and realistic goals will help you get where you want to go.

d)   Make connections every day, help as many on the way - This is the secret sauce of the group. By making connections and helping as many people as you go, by sharing your network freely, people will want to work with you and help you.

I recently had a great experience that validated the lovecat principles for me. I met with a company executive and we chatted for a while. During the entire conversation, I didn’t offer a sales pitch. I was there simply to meet him and make a human connection. After talking for a time, he asked me about the work I do. I explained my work and asked if I could help him in any way. He then proceeded to ask for a proposal based on presenting my work to his company. I wasn’t there to sell him anything, but because we’d built a strong connection, he ended up wanting to work with me anyway.

This is just one example of how important it is to make connections and find people who can help and inspire us in our journey through life. Jerry has a beautiful way of explaining it. He says that we are like redwood trees in the way that they are all connected by their roots and help each other survive and fight wildfires: we are big and strong, but dependent on each other.

