Author: Tara May

An Experience of Convergence

Up until last night, I didn't really know what I was going to write about for today's post. I had a few ideas, but I didn't feel particularly inspired by any of them, or compelled to write about them. These ideas are on a list I keep of blog post topics, but I've learned that every idea has it's place, and none of them were right for today. Then I went out to dinner and spent three hours getting to know two hugely inspiring individuals with a story that has the power to change lives—save lives, even. Over sushi...

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All Right, so I Can’t Hit a Softball

If you're anywhere over the age of 25, there is a good chance you've been invited to join an adult coed softball team at some point. No doubt, the team you were invited to was started by a group of co-workers, or neighborhood friends, or maybe even some people at the gym you go to. For me, it was a group of friends who organized our weekly games the first time around. It's been a couple of years since that team disbanded, but now the opportunity is coming around again, and with it, the shadow of all sorts of...

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The Perfect Roadblock

A commonly quoted saying, often attributed to the 17th century writer and philosopher Voltaire, goes like this: "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good." I've become especially intimate with this adage lately, and I've decided that striving for perfection is just another excuse for enabling fear. It's the crutch we cling to that excuses our inactivity and inability to get started on our goals. It is an impossibly high stake to strive for that all too often ensures we never attempt the climb. This is going to be a short post (some of you will be happy to...

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Start With Why

There is a TEDTalk called "How Great Leaders Inspire Action", by Simon Sinek. The talk is about leadership and what inspires people to follow—to buy a product, to support a cause, to dedicate their time—but it's also about passion and the importance of the motivations we have for doing what we do. When I first saw Simon's talk, it inspired me enough to show it to my former supervisor, which, in turn, she decided to show to our whole team. Throughout his talk, Simon repeats a single mantra: "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do...

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Tighten Your Knots: Finding the Value in a Network Group

Since the first week in October, I've been making my way to downtown San Francisco every Tuesday night at 6:30pm to meet with a group of people and share ideas, goals, and encouragement. I'll admit, it isn't always easy to find the will to make the trek. It requires me to get myself to the BART  station, purchase the $9.00 round-trip ticket, and sit for the 35 minute trip to the Civic Center/UN Plaza Station. After our meeting, I must make the trek all over again, and I don't usually arrive home until well after 9pm. But while I...

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