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Do you ever wish you could just order a shot of inspiration, the way you would a shot of Jack Daniels, or wheatgrass for the more health conscious?

This shot would serve a loftier purpose than a quick buzz or boost of nutrition. It would offer a burst of motivation, louder than the excuses and more durable than the fear and doubt that regularly threaten your more ambitious and unconventional endeavors. It would be a kick in the butt in the direction of your dreams.

It would be nice, but I don’t think it’s been developed just yet. In the meantime, where do you find inspiration, and once you do, how do you hold on to it?

For me, it helps to focus on something I want, like a place I want to go to, or a freedom I want to have, such as freedom from debt, a flexible schedule, or financial freedom. If nothing else, this reminds me of what's important and what I'm working towards. Imagining these things, really picturing them in my head as a reality, gives me that thrill of excitement—that spark of inspiration—to keep working towards my particular happy ending. It also helps to surround myself with the things that I draw inspiration from, like books, and music, and empty journals just waiting to be filled up.
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Many people insist that when you are doing something you are passionate about, it doesn't feel like work, but anyone who has left a comfortable, albeit unhappy, role to pursue a passion, or has given up their free time outside of their day job to work on a project, knows that it still takes work, and it is always under the threat of doubt. When things get sticky—and they will–your well programmed defense mechanism will kick in and remind you of all the reasons why you shouldn't be doing what you are doing, why you should just go back to what was easy and secure.

That's when you'll need inspiration the most. Short of a 5 dollar shot at the local pub, you'll have only yourself to draw this inspiration from. Hopefully you'll also have lots of encouragement from supportive friends and family, and there is no shortage of real-life success stories and affirmative quotes to tap into, but it's what's inside you that really matters. That is where the buck really stops. If you lose your inspiration, no amount of outside encouragement will propel you forward. You'll eventually give in to the excuses, succumb to the fear and doubt that was so incessant in the back of your mind all along, and you'll go back to doing what you've always done.

Surround yourself with the things that give you inspiration, and when you get lost, always steer yourself back to what you are striving for. That way, when the time comes when the daily quotes you read fall short, and no amount of inspirational stories or advice is enough to keep you moving forward, you'll have your own source to draw on. And it will be the strongest shot of all.


