We live in an era where everything seems to be urgent and important. Today I woke up and my first thought was on the list of things that I need to get done today, and on the things I had forgotten to add to the list when I was making it.   Many of us live in a world plagued with urgent things to do. The urgent bucket list in our lives stop us from doing other things that might be more important, we don’t do them until they also become urgent.   That is why we don’t make time to workout, to call our family, to spend time with our loved ones, or simply read for pleasure and to unwind.   Here are 5 things that might help your day to more productive.

  • Make a list of things to be accomplished the night before. Planning my day the night before has been a great way to focus on what is important. We tend to live in the urgent area of our lives and we do things in a way that is reactive and urgent. The following day when I start tackling my day, I start with the list I wrote the night before. If something is not in the list, it can wait until tomorrow.
  • Stop trying to do everything yourself. Not long ago, the sink faucet in my kitchen broke, I quickly assessed the situation. I knew I could fix it. I went to the hardware store and got what I thought I needed to fix it. Few hours later I wasn’t done yet and I already made a few trips to the store and spent extra money on parts and tools. I then called a professional, he came and in a matter of a few minutes he fixed it. I would have saved a lot of money and time if I would had made the call earlier. Sometimes it is better to call in the professionals, they know what to do, I was just guessing.
  • Stop saying yes to everything. Saying no is one of the hardest things to learn how to do. Personally, it took me a while to actually do this. When I started, when I was being asked to do something I knew I was not going to be able to do, instead of saying NO right away, I would simply say,”let me look into it and I will get back at you right away”. Then I would go to my office and send a quick email explaining why I couldn’t do it. It took me a little while to muster the courage to say NO right away, but I learned that if you actually consider the request and explain why can’t you do it, it is more likely that people will understand more.
  • Stop the distractions – Yes, Facebook, email, and other social media are the ones to blame here. I tend to wander in Facebook, additionally as soon as an email arrives, it is my first reaction to read it and answer it right away. A big step I took was to disable the notifications on my computer, so the little pop-ups that will trigger me to click on the email are not longer an issue. I read the emails when it is time to do so.
  • Set a hard stop time – There are things that are important and must be done every day. If you plan your day to stop exactly at a predetermined time, you will have to finish everything before the hard-stop time arrives. Take the example of good friend of mine, a busy business owner. His clients and work are important, but he also knows that taking care of himself is just as important. He has a hard stop, at 5:00PM, to go the gym and exercise.

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There are many other time saving strategies, I found these five the ones that have added the most value to me, they are simple, and if I can do them, so can you.

